bread rasmalai recipe

Every one of us likes Rasmalai. Undoubtedly on every occasion, we are ready to have it. Well if we are looking forward to getting it from the market it seems to be very expensive and preparing it at home takes a lot of time. But do you know this time I am sharing a bread Rasmalai recipe with you?

As you all know Holi is around the corner and no one wishes to celebrate it without sweets. By keeping the same into consideration I am coming up with the simplest recipe to prepare this bread Rasmalai. Let’s have a look at the ingredients and steps you need to follow to prepare this.

Ingredients required to make bread Rasmalai:-

  • 5-8 bread pieces
  • Sugar to make sugar syrup
  • Cutter
  • Milk
  • A pinch of saffron for color and flavor

Steps to make bread Rasmalai:-

  1. First of all, take the bread and with the help of a cutter cut them in the desired shape. If you are not having a cutter then simply take a sharp bowl and cut it.
  2. Now in a bowl take the milk. You can take 3 to 4 cups of milk or according to the bread pieces you have chosen.
  3. Now add sugar and little water to it. On low heat, flame boil this solution. In this step, you are supposed to add a little saffron to it.
  4. Now take the bread pieces you cut and put them on a plate.
  5. Take the hot milk you have prepared and spread it over the complete plate on which you have placed the bread pieces.
  6. Wait until the bread soaks the milk and sprinkle it with your favorite dry fruits. You can choose dry fruits of your choice.
  7. Keep it in the refrigerator for a while and after it serves it!

Note: while preparing bread Rasmalai make sure to pour the milk when it has reached an Indian temperature. If you pore high-temperature milk over the bread the bread pieces will get soggy.

I hope you guys have liked this simple recipe and are ready to prepare Rasmalai. Do let me know how was your experience in preparing this bread Rasmalai. Also do not forget to share any additional reviews!